Creating and working with proxy files

Proxy files are compressed versions of your project's uncompressed media files. After creating proxy files, you can toggle your project's timeline to reference these compressed files instead of your original uncompressed files. Doing this will make the editing process run smoother as proxy files use substantially less bandwidth than uncompressed files.

Downloading JAMS Proxy File Settings

Note: Use Chrome as your browser when downloading files. Other browsers can cause unexpected behavior to occur when used to download files.

  1. Right-click this link: JAMS-Proxy-File-Settings.epr. In the fly-out menu, select Save Link As.

  2. In the Save As box, navigate to and select your project folder.

  3. Click Save. The JAMS-Proxy-File-Settings.epr file will download to your project folder.

Creating proxy files

  1. In Premiere, go to and select the Project pane (lower right.) Note: When selected, the Project pane will appear surrounded by a blue line.

  2. Press Ctrl A (on keyboard) to select all of the files in the Project pane.

  3. Right-click one of the selected files in the Project pane. In the fly-out menu, select Proxy and then choose Create Proxies. A Create Proxies box will appear.

  4. In the Create Proxies box, click Add Ingest Preset.

  5. Navigate to your project folder and select JAMS-Proxy-File-Settings.epr. Click Open.

  6. In the Create Proxies box, click OK. Adobe Media Encoder will open and create the proxy files. Note: This process will probably take a fair amount of time to complete.

Using proxy files

When you activate the Toggle Proxies button, the Timeline will reference your project's proxy files during the editing process.

  1. In the Program pane (upper right), click the Button Editor button (plus sign button in lower left corner of Program pane.) The Button Editor panel will appear.

  2. Click and drag the Toggle Proxies button into the Program pane's toolbar (bottom of Program pane.) Click OK when finished. The Toggle Proxies button will appear in the Program pane's toolbar. Note: You will need to do this every time you use a new computer.

  3. Click the Toggle Proxies button. The Toggle Proxies button will appear blue. Your project's Timeline is now referencing the proxy files in your project folder.

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